I suppose it’s as good a time as any to get back to writing something on this blog. I’ve been remiss since the beginning of the year or before, so it’s probably past time to get something written. And so this will be my Lenten discipline. Not that it’s a penance to write – not at all. Just need to remember and put down some thoughts.
I was caught up just like everyone else this morning in church when the announcements were made about the festivities next weekend. These are to welcome our new bishop. All parishes in the Diocese collected money and our parish is to provide the cooks. And so the woman announcing this morning was talking about the 400 people that need to be cooked for on Thursday evening, all day Friday, and breakfast Saturday morning. Saturday is the day of the installation and that day the cooking will be for 3000! Starting tomorrow they begin to clean the rice (1000 kg) and she reminded the men that they too are needed to cut the firewood, butcher the goats (40) and chickens (don’t know how many) and cut the beef. I wonder how many steers will be hitting the dust that day! The Guest of Honour, in addition to the new Bishop, will be the President of Tanzania, so everyone is more than a little excited.
We’ve had rain, long dry spells in between, and then last weekend more rain. Everything is green and nice so I’ll try to post some pictures of the wild flowers (and some domestic ones as well). Some crops are doing alright (the millet and groundnuts) but a lot of the corn dried up during the long dry spell. I hope that there has been more consistent rains in the areas where more food crops are grown.
School is going along very well. I have two classes of first year students and most are really great students. We’re moving right along with English learning and all having a good time together. I’ve also been given the job of setting up the library so that keeps me busy on Saturdays.
More again soon – Promise!